On 23/12/2023 Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero visited Jerusalem Soccer Academy now rebranded "Rhino Soccer Academy" at their play ground in Ober Entebbe, Lira City West Division and donated a full set of branded jerseys and a ball. She was so amazed with the talents being natured by the coach and the discipline among the players. This is one of the clubs where skills in those senior and professional footballers like Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappe', Harry Kane, Pele, Christiano Ronaldo among others are being natured.

Other six (6) more clubs are yet to be supported with the same donation up to 2024. Sports have the uncanny ability to bring people together as very few other things can. Sports also creates a bond between contemporaries that lasts a lifetime. It also gives your life structure, discipline and a genuine, sincere, pure fulfillment that few other areas of endeavor provide. Hon. Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero celebrated her Christmas with the youths as they play their Christmas cup in their various wards. While in Angwetangwet ward, her representative Dr. Laury Lawrence Ocen said Aceng is very passionate and committed to sports and that is why she is injecting resources towards supporting football clubs. "We shall increase our budget for sports in 2024 and organize Aceng Ocero Christmas Cup because I have seen people love sports", Said Dr. Ocen.

Hon. Dr. Jane. Ruth Aceng Ocero yesterday on Christmas day through her representatives awarded the winning team in Angwetangwet ward with a trophy, full set of branded jerseys and 150,000shs, the second runner up went home with a new ball and 100,000shs and the rest of the five teams took 50,000shs each. The tournament had many spectators and several local leaders ranging from LC 1 and area councilors at ward level attended. Similar tournament also took place in Ojwina where Ebuk Sam (Sam Samu) also delivered the donation of branded jerseys and a ball to the people of Ojwina.
The difference between the old ballplayer and the new ballplayer is the jersey. The old ballplayer cared about the name on the front. The new ballplayer cares about the name on the back." I thank the players for loving and trusting in me and I promise to stand with them at all times.