Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng Ocero is the Minister of Health Uganda. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine (MBChB), MMED (Pediatrics), Masters in Public Health and Diploma in Health System Strengthening. She is a Pediatrician Expert and currently at the level of senior consultant pediatrics. She is also a Public Health Expert.
She has vast experience both as a manager and practicing medical personnel. Which she accumulated while serving in various capacities as a Medical officer, Senior Medical Officer, Medical officer Special Grade, Medical Superintendent, Consultant Pediatrician, Hospital Director and formerly as the Director General Health Service.
She is a passionate lady from Lango referred to by many as “Imat” (Luo term of endearment) and is committed to transforming Lira City for the better!
God has blessed us with a beautiful city in the heart of Lango. I want to dedicate my home to the almighty. May health, economic growth, peace, unity and development abound in Lira City
” Obanga omio wa gum kede Citi amwonya icuny Lango. Amito jallo paco na bot obanga. Wek dong lonyo, dongo me catto wil, kuc, notte, kede dongo gure i Lira Citi”
We will work together to increase development opportunities for Lango and ensure that our voice is heard all over Uganda! It is time for Lira City to shine!
“Lango is my home… The people are my people… And Lira City is where God has placed it on my heart to be a servant, because together we can create a change that will impact of the lives of the men and women across this region…
” Lango obedo paco na. Jo iye obedo Jo na.. Kede Lira Citi obedo kan ame obanga oketo icunya me bedo atic, pien karacel wan oromo kello alokaloka ame romo lokko kwo acoo kede mon itung malo kan”
Women Empowerment
As a woman I want to stand with my fellow women to see how best we can solve the plight of women in homes and other formal places of work such as markets, gardens, etc.
Skills Gaps
Over the years working in Lira City, it’s sad to note that Lira did not and still does not have enough trained health professionals.
The number of nurses, midwives, lab technicians and technologists needs to increase to meet the needs of the community.
Lango Renaissance
As a child of Lango, coming from a region that has suffered the adversities of war, I want to advocate for the plight of marginalities and all the disadvantaged groups

As a civil servant in Lira, for many years has made me to understand the challenges faced by the people of Lira in matters of health, education, and economy.
As a health worker, I realized that many people would go to clinics, including one where I worked but without money to pay medical bills. On some occasions, I would treat people free of charge, and in some cases I would charge them below what I should have because of their inability to pay.
As a minister, God has placed me near the corridors of power where I can participate in meetings that decide how the national cake is shared. I can only be more effective, when supported by the power of your votes.